About Us
Continental-fc is one of the fastest growing multi-asset online trading providers, offering ultra-low-cost trading, rock-solid execution, technologically superior account management and premium market analysis.
The key pillars we operate on are transparency, client-focus and technology. With a track record of servicing clients since 2002, we are well-positioned to look after your trading needs.
We strive to bring greater transparency and efficiency to financial markets
We operate in highly competitive industry, as a global liquidity provider and market maker.
We continuously provide stable liquidity, actively invest in the financial ecosystem, develop innovative technologies, and foster both our team and strategic partnerships.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is about creating shared value, as the nature of our business means we have a relatively light environmental footprint. To manage our ESG impact we conducted an ESG materiality analysis, involving both internal and external stakeholders. The outcome of this exercise was to provide nine key ESG focus areas in order of relevance. These focus areas were then also aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Global Markets
Our trading platform provide liquidity across all major markets and exchanges , globally, 24 hours a day.